Saturday, March 6, 2010

Journal Entry- Shmuel's Point of View

I was walking slowly on my struggling feet. I was striding towards the fence to hide from the soldiers. Trying to ignore my hunger. I could see a little chubby boy in shiny, new, clean wearing clothes, wearing polished shoes. I just dropped to the floor. Tired and sick, I gazed up and the fat one was still looking at me with a confused look. He shouted "Hello" in a proud voice" "I am exploring".

Holocaust Webquest

When did the Holocaust begin?

The holocaust began a around 1933.

Explain what the Holocaust is?

The holocaust was the murder and prosecution of the Jews. Approximately 6 million kills.

In the aftermath what happens?

Survivors went and took shelter in displaced persons and moved out of Germany mainly people went to Israel.

What were the Nazi Camps used for?

In the 1930’s there were 20,000 camps build to hold victims. These camps had a purpose for mass extermination.

Explain the term Ghetto?

Ghetto is originated from the name of the Jewish quarters in Venice.

What did the Ghetto’s do to the Jews?

The point of the ghetto was to make the Jews live in horrible conditions, it isolated them in different communities form the non Jewish people.

Where was the largest Ghetto located?

In Poland.

What is the term Final Solution?

The term final solution was the Nazis referred plan to annihilate the Jews.

When did WW 2 start?


What is Genocide?

Genocide is the violent crimes from a group to destroy the existence of other group.