Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Shakespear Sonnet 7

In humanities today we read and brainstormed a poem of Shakesspear called the 7th Sonnet hen I first saw the poem I was so confused I had no idea what it was about I was lost. But the later on I got a slight idea of the poem, I managed to find out that it was partly about the sun. It was about the sun because it explains how it rises and how it gives gracious light, a man then serves the sacred majesty the sacred majesty could be the sun, I had help by finding what the poem is a about because before we were in groups to brainstormed what the poem and we came up with the idea that it could be about the sun then it became very clear to me.

1 comment:

Jamie McQueen said...

Good, Mark, I like reading how your thoughts developed. You seem to be on the right track and hopefully today's activities will help your understanding moreso.