Sunday, May 30, 2010

This I Believe

I believe that all men and women are the same inside no matter what there colour , or their race. Some people believe that one race is better then the other because of there skin colour. I don't think thats fair because inside everyone is the same. I heard a story once where a little girl asked "is there a difference blacks and white" she asked this to a parent. The parent said "pass me 2 apples and peel them" she then peeled the apples. One was red and the other was green. She peeled the skin of so only the inside of the apple was there. The parent then shuffled the apples around and asked the little girl "do you know now which one is red and which one is green" the little said "no" "you see" the parent said " on the outside they are different but in the inside they are just the same". It hit me to know how simple the answer was. That all men and women are the same. When I was in 5th grade I was new to a school and I went up too a couple of guys and I asked " Can I play with you" and the guy in the middle said "no cuz your a german Nazi" I was stunned that someone would say something like that, later on that year I was excluded and left out just because I was german, I was getting more comments and jokes of how I was a nazi and I started World War 2. Soon I almost felt ashamed to be a german, soon I told a teacher and then t stopped but my feelings were still hurt. Soon I knew the truth that of course I wasn't a nazi and of course I didn't start World War 2, so I stopped feeling so mortified. I felt this when I heard the apple story because I knew how simple it was and that racism is not right. Thats when I knew that every man was the same inside and its not fair and not right to treat someone differently because of their country, skin, religion, or race, and that's what I believe. tiblogosmall_square.jpg

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